Check out the perfect satire of cancel-culture: Super #SJW Man!

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Episode 2: Political Humor for these United States

In this second episode of The Crazy Comedy, Humor, and Satire Podcast, humorist Daniel D discusses the 2020 Presidential Election, makes a modest proposal to sell liberals on Trump's wall, and interviews the ghost of former President Ronald Reagan. Yes, America, ketchup is still a vegetable! If you have a bizarre sense of humor and enjoy surreal comedy, then check out this podcast!

Check out this latest episode of the Crazy Comedy, Humor, and Satire Podcast by Daniel D!

Monday, July 22, 2019

Introduction to the Crazy Comedy, Humor, and Satire Podcast by Daniel D

In this first-ever episode of The Crazy Comedy, Humor, and Satire Podcast, host Daniel D. introduces the podcast, tells a moderately amusing joke or two, interviews Pastor Willie Swindler of the First Church of God and The Man, and takes a live call from the City of Hoover Department of Commerce about his permit for the Junked Car Museum that he has been operating in his front yard. This podcast is geared towards those who enjoy absurd and surreal humor.

Check out this latest episode of the Crazy Comedy, Humor, and Satire Podcast by Daniel D!

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Welcome to Crazy Comedy, Humor, and Satire by Daniel D

Crazy Comedy Humor and Satire Image of microphone, smiley-face, and typewriter
Crazy Comedy, Humor & Satire by Daniel D.
Hello, and welcome to my blog, Crazy Comedy, Humor & Satire. I am Daniel D. I'm not an alcoholic (although some might dispute that). I am a humorist, and this blog is one of my creative outlets.

This blog will feature content that is lighthearted and amusing, yet also insightful and thought-provoking. My comedy is specifically aimed at those weirdos who enjoy absurd and surreal humor. My satire is a little on the insane side and can get kind of edgy (at times), so if you are super PC or easily offended, consider yourself warned.

I've just published the first ever episode of the first ever season of The Crazy Comedy, Humor & Satire Podcast, which is available wherever quality podcasts are sold or traded or given away for free download. In fact, you can check out the podcast below, or download it at the following
If you enjoy it, don't forget to subscribe on iTunes, Google Play, or wherever else quality podcasts are traded on the open market (or downloaded for free).

Cultural Appropriation and Colonizers

This week, we discuss all you non-Irish culturally appropriating on St Patrick's Day, whether white people are actually colonizers, and ...