7 Funny Halloween Costume Ideas for Men |
Check out the perfect satire of cancel-culture: Super #SJW Man!
Sunday, October 31, 2021
7 Funny Halloween Costume Ideas for Men Who Hate Halloween!
Saturday, October 30, 2021
Nike Child Laborers: How LeBron James & Nike Are Helping Starving Kids
Meet Nike's & LeBron James's child laborers! |
Meet the Nike child laborers! LeBron James and other #woke multi-millionaire pro athletes and Nike and other woke corporations are helping alleviate child hunger and child poverty by employing these starving kids in their sweatshops overseas, where they help make overpriced athletic apparel for American consumers!
You can also view the video with images of the children being helped by LeBron & Nike on YouTube at https://youtu.be/h1bFckqblNw or embedded below:
Be sure to visit www.CrazyComedyHumor.com for even more ridiculousness!
Check out this latest episode of the Crazy Comedy, Humor, and Satire Podcast by Daniel D!
Friday, October 29, 2021
Computer AI Girlfriend: My Insane Story about Dating an App on My Phone
It's the "Computer AI Girlfriend" story. Daniel D tells the crazy tale of his adventures dating an app on his phone last year during the pandemic, as well as sharing his thoughts on masturbation and mansplaining and other weird topics.
For even more craziness, check out www.CrazyComedyHumor.com!
Check out this latest episode of the Crazy Comedy, Humor, and Satire Podcast by Daniel D!
Foolishness This Week
Daniel D talks about random foolishness this week. There's social media, the anti-social media on cable news channels, Biden, Trump, vaccine mandates, and the crazy "team sports" mentality in politics, with Team Blue and Team Red taking turns doing stupid shit, and their fans taking turns justifying their own team's hypocrisy.
This episode is just stream of consciousness ridiculousness. Tune in to the next episode for (hopefully) an actual story with a point. For more foolishness, visit www.CrazyComedyHumor.com!
Check out this latest episode of the Crazy Comedy, Humor, and Satire Podcast by Daniel D!
Monday, October 25, 2021
Jiu Jitsu Cats Are Sparring
Fun Catfight Video
Friday, October 22, 2021
The "Let's Go Brandon!" & "Fuck Joe Biden!" Fall Collection
The "Fuck Joe Biden & Let's Go Brandon!" Fall Collection |
The Crazy Comedy, Humor & Satire Tshirts Fall Collection
Let's Go Brandon!
Let's Go Brandon! |
View the "Let's Go Brandon" part of our Fall collection at www.cafepress.com/crazycomedyhumortshirts.
Fuck Joe Biden!
Fuck Joe Biden! |
Fuck Joe Biden! |
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
Distractions from Life
Greetings and salutations, my fellow crazy fools! In this episode, Daniel D rambles about distractions from Life, Virtual Reality (VR) headsets, and a shockingly racist industry.
If you want to look into VR headsets, here's an Amazon affiliate link that would kick a pitifully small, meager, relatively microscopic percentage of the sale back to this podcasting adventure: https://amzn.to/2Z6umJf
And be sure to visit www.CrazyComedyHumor.com for even more foolishness.
Check out this latest episode of the Crazy Comedy, Humor, and Satire Podcast by Daniel D!
Saturday, October 16, 2021
Vaccination Nazis (Funny Parody of Keith Olbermann Rant)
Vaccination Nazis Strike Again! |
Monday, October 11, 2021
Dave Chappelle vs Cancel Culture
Daniel D shares his thoughts about the latest battle between #DaveChappelle and #CancelCulture warriors over his latest special, The Closer. Dave Chappelle is the muthafuckin MAN! If you have a sense of humor, you'll love The Closer. If you are a humorless ideologue who can only laugh at others you hate and never at yourself or your own tribe, you'll hate it. Good news, though, Netflix ain't listening to the #sjw haters this time.
Be sure to visit www.CrazyComedyHumor.com for even more ridiculousness!
Check out this latest episode of the Crazy Comedy, Humor, and Satire Podcast by Daniel D!
Handwritten Addresses on Junk Mail Envelopes Really PISSES ME OFF! Handwritten Addresses on Junk Mail Envelopes Really PISSES ME OFF!
Cultural Appropriation and Colonizers
This week, we discuss all you non-Irish culturally appropriating on St Patrick's Day, whether white people are actually colonizers, and ...
In this episode, we discuss how the time change for Daylight Savings Time could be improved, how the military's woke recruitment campaig...
In this episode, Daniel D discusses Women's History Month, the real reason why so many marriages end in divorce, how romantic love and s...
This week, we discuss all you non-Irish culturally appropriating on St Patrick's Day, whether white people are actually colonizers, and ...